How To Earn Money By Being On Social Media

Social Media is a big part of everybody’s life now and most of the time lots of people are either checking their twitter messages, posting pictures on Instagram, posting updates on Facebook or watching videos on Youtube, and this consumes so much time of every single person who are trying to keep themselves “in” with the trend.

Cutting down to the chase, if a person spends so much time on social media and is only satisfying his/her being updated, then why not make it as a tool to earn money right?

Here are some few ways on how to earn from being on social media all the time and the details on how to deal with the results each and everyone inputs through their social media accounts.

Be a blogger

Do you have a special interest and wants to share it to the world or your community? Then start blogging.  Being a blogger does not need a special ability in order to write down what you think and how you feel on certain event, things or just life.

One great example of a blogger is a travel blogger.  A Travel Blogger is someone who writes down all his/her journey when they go to places.  They write about the things they see, experience or even the food they eat.  They share every details on how they arrived to their destinations; from travel expenses, transportation, preparation, reservations and what not. You do not need to travel abroad in order to be called a travel blogger, why not showcase your own country and start sharing what is good in your homeland.

Always remember, always find your niche.  Being a blogger is just like writing a journal or a diary, you share what you think what is helpful to other people.  Make sure to check every detail of your post and share everything they need to know.


a. Finding your readers (unique visitors). solution: tell your friends you have a blogsite and have them check it out. Use social media too and insert your post by using what is trending. It is what you call click bait.

b. Monetizing your blogsite.  You can join google adsense, and affiliation like Rakuten Marketing or offer a spot to businesses or company you know who are willing to pay for a portion on your website.

c. Materials to use: It is not as hard as you think it is to become a blogger, there apps now where you can use any of your mobile devices and blog away. I use WordPress apps when I am on the go, it is easy to navigate and posting articles or post and adding pictures is as easy as A-B-C, all you have to do is to familiarize yourself with the interface of the app. Your cellphone or tablet has everything you need in order to post your blog online.

Be a video blogger or vlogger

Do you have the guts to do videos and post it online whether on youtube, vines or facebook? If you do, then this one is for you.  Being a vlogger is easy, all you need is just to be confident and show people that you are enjoying what you are doing. Be consistent with what you want to share to people and that will be your trademark and people will know you for that kind of videos.


a. Editing!!! it is the most gruesome part of being a vlogger, it is easy to capture yourself talking in front of the camera, but putting it all together and creating the video takes time so be prepared. There are free editing programs on every social media accounts, take advantage of that.  Although you will only have raw videos to post with those free editing apps.  If you want to be fancy and make your videos more professional there are good editing software to purchase online, like the Movie Studio 14. (Checking this link for a discounted price)

MAGIX Software

b. Monetizing your vlog:  Youtube has google adsense to help monetize videos, although, most vloggers does not earn from this alone, because it depends on the times your visitors view your videos or the clicks they make when they see the advertiser’s banners on your video. To start getting advertisers or partners you need to have at least 5000 subscribers.

Ways to earn or get the full benefit of being a vlogger:

* collaboration : join a group of vloggers, they can help you get the benefits you want and you might also get paid from being a member of their squad. Typically those squads have their own manager to sell you to their partners.

 * Have the confidence or courage to talk to companies and offer your service for being a vlogger, tell them you want to partner up with them and in return your will feature their products or services in your videos. Do not be afraid to ask. However you have to show them you have numbers of followers, through subscribers or views just to prove your credibility.

*Do product or service reviews, most company likes vloggers who review their products, it is way better than paying an airtime for a 30 second spot on TV or radio station. They Like it because the videos stays there for as long as you both agree and keep it published.  In reviewing products you can either get the products free, or get a huge discount when  you purchase directly from the company. Purchasing the product sometimes is better than getting the products for free, because you can say whatever you want.  Although it is not encourage, the company will ask you to say only positive things when they gave the products for free and they can also pay you, but this is a different story. if that happens, just ask them to hire you ask their spokesperson rather than putting your credibility at stake.

Become an Influencer

Are you always updated with the trend? Are you a fashionista? Do you like going to places or events and be very visible to public? Then being an influencer is right for you. All you need is just your social media account and start posting away whatever you think you are very good at.  Influencers now are being paid for just being visible in every events and situations. You just have to find your niche again and what you think is special about you and why you can attract crowd to follow you on social media and be like you. That is it!


a. Keeping up with the trend. You have to be trendy, you need to know what is going on within your circle of influence.

materials: Cellphone or tablet, yourself and whatever you want to project to the public.

Sell by using your social media account

You can use your social media to sell something online. If you like arts and crafts, then why not venture into that kind of business.  If you think your product will sell then go for it.

Be a social media specialist/assistant

It is not new to be a Social Media Specialist or Assistant, some companies would rather pay someone for just focusing on their social media accounts rather than hiring someone for a full-time pay doing nothing but to update their social media accounts. So start sending proposals to become their social media specialist or assistant. all you need is just a decent cell phone or tablet and start earning.  Be sure to commit and always get an update from that company and there will be fewer challenges you will encounter.