Fight Flu and Sickness with Gingerish Tea

During flu season people tend to catch the influenza virus that makes people sick and unable to do their normal daily activities.  In this day of uncertainty, we can not afford to be sick and unable to work, and I have our very own heirloom when it comes to making us feel better faster the natural way. We call this ginseng tea, although it is actually ginger and radish so let us name it “gingerish tea”. here is how I make this wonderful natural remedy.

  1. a good size ginger
  2. medium size white radish
  3. 3 cups of water
  4. lemon (optional)
  5. sugar/honey (optional)
  6. turmeric powder (optional)



  • wash and feel the radish and ginger
  • slice it in cubes or however you like it
  • place it in a pan
  • add 2 cups of water
  • cover


  • bring to boil for 30 to 45 minutes
  • you can tell that the ginger and radish are already cooked when it starts to release it natural color and the aroma
  • here you can add slices of lemon (optional)


  • pour it in a mug

enjoy and get well sooner!